Despite complete business processes and their IT supporting systems well in place in many power companies, there are still many pain points yet to be solved with emerging digital tools like RPA robots, so as to better realize digital and intelligent transformation. In China, most power companies faced a vast amount of systems, data silos, complex and repetitive processes handled by employees at the grass-root level. With the emergence of RPA robots, those challenges can be better addressed, which will cut costs, and boost productivity in power companies.
Scenario 1:
Work order business automation
Staff in the customer service center of the power supply bureau are required to log in to the platform every day to track the power failure repair work orders of the day, as well as inspect the quality throughout their life cycle in the marketing management system. When the power supply fails, the staff should quickly arrive at the site to repair it to ensure the smooth operation of the power supply. So, in this process, RPA can be helpful to better track the work orders, dispatch them to the relevant persons, and allow all processes involved in the work orders to be completely traced and monitored.
Advantages of RPA
1. Data in business systems can be tracked in real-time;
2. The tracking frequency and tracked data range can be configured according to scenarios
3. Alarm rules can be set flexibly, and fault alarms can be triggered in a variety of ways
Scenario 2:
Electricity fee collection rate calculation automation
The electricity fee collection rate should be reported every day from power supply stations where the rate may be calculated following different rules in different stations. Such calculations are very complex and time-consuming. With RPA, such pain points can be effectively addressed through the automation process customized by RPA for individual power supply stations for calculating the electricity fee collection rate, while users can modify the calculation rules at any time as needed.
Advantages of RPA
1. Business requirements like retrieving the status of each step can be satisfied through automation;
2. Issues like complex operations and varieties of output data types that are more likely to cause errors can be resolved;
3. Processes can be repeated at a fixed interval, thus reducing manpower, and increasing productivity.