Intelligent Assistant
Intelligent Assistant
Intelligent Assistant

Intelligent Assistant

A multi-mode intelligent assistant that closes the gap of information exchange between humans and robots. It improves the efficiency of human-robotics interaction and provides an excellent user experience with one-stop, automated process management product.
Product function
Human-Robotics Interaction
One-stop Attended Automation MGT
Real-time Intelligent Notification
Multi-mode RPA Triggering
Multi-form product
Human-Robotics Interaction01
Support human-robotics interactions such as manual data entry, data transmission, verification, authorization, approval, and remote exception handling. The ticket designer of human-robotics interactions can easily generate human-robotics task templates using various components, expanding the application scenarios of RPA and of the human-robotics interactions. Allows assigning proper tasks to either human or robots to improve team collaboration efficiency.
One-stop Attended Automation MGT02
Visualize process status and business steps of attended automation, allowing users to understand what the robots are working on and when human participation is required. Realize efficient process management with intelligent generation of automation requirements, and user-defined process categorization. Support simultaneous management of local and remote processes.
Real-time Intelligent Notification03
Provide floating windows that notifies messages on processes, business, tasks, monitoring and alarms. Real-time reminders are send through multiple channels (notification center, pop-up window and application notifications on WeChat Work) to reach users. Important information is no longer missed.
Multi-mode RPA Triggering04
Support rich RPA triggering on monitoring of emails, folders, click events, task status, and system performance. Also support scheduled timer/calendar triggering, hot-key triggering and on-click triggering to run specified processes, improving RPA efficiency.
Multi-form product05
Allow access through clients, Web, WeChat Work Applications and iPad apps to grant flexibility of different business scenarios.
  • Human-Robotics Interaction
  • One-stop Attended Automation MGT
  • Real-time Intelligent Notification
  • Multi-mode RPA Triggering
  • Multi-form product
Product value
 Intelligent Interactions
Intelligent Interactions
Expand usage scenarios of RPA to complex business processes that require human participation. Stably realize human-robotics interaction in various remote and local automation scenarios, resulting in harmonious interaction between humans, RPA robots, and business processes.
Human-machine collaboration is easier
Human-machine collaboration is easier
CIRI provides information pre-processing combined with AI skills such as intelligent filling recommendations on human-robotics, and CIRI works with IDP to help business users process unstructured or semi-structured documents, thus improve the efficiency and quality of business task execution. CIRI also supports collaboration between organizations or within the team.
 Improving User Experience
Improving User Experience
User-friendly interface, easy-to-use operation, diversified trigger modes, and multi-form of products provide business users with a minimal, convenient, and efficient RPA experience.
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